Placement Tests for Saxon Math

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My Math Assistant provides video lessons, online grading, and facts practice for Saxon Math!

Save time and promote independence and self-learning with your students.

Video Lessons

Video lessons teach your student the concepts found in the Saxon books and provide additional examples - a perfect complement to the book lessons. Learn more...

Online Grading

Foster more independence in your students by allowing them to grade their own lessons and tests without handing them the answer key! Save yourself from the mountain of papers to grade and allow your student to get immediate feedback and correct their work themselves. Learn more...

Math Facts Practice

Automatically integrate math facts practice into your child's routine without anything else to grade or keep track of. Customize the practice for exactly what your student needs. Learn more...

ACT®/SAT® Math Prep Videos

Automatically integrate college test prep videos into your student's routine. Bite-sized videos giving the student a single practice question with a full explanation with slowly build your student's confidence over time. Learn more...

Video lessons cover the full lesson material from each Saxon Math lesson.

Each lesson is taught in a clear and concise way, covering the material with no extra fluff. Empower your students by giving them the ability to learn the material on their own! Learn more...

Students grade their own work

After working their lesson on paper, students type in their answers and receive immediate right/wrong feedback. They can immediately correct any missed problems (depending on the settings you choose). My Math Assistant has been designed to make the answer-entry process as simple and efficient as possible for students. Learn more...

Completely customize your students' math facts practice

You can change the facts practice on each lesson and test. Give your student a needed break if they are doing well or add some additional practice on the facts that they don't know as well. There are even some custom facts practice not found in Saxon, such as Multiplication to 15's. Learn more...

ACT®/SAT® Math Prep Videos

Learn by doing! Work the problem, then see the solution. Build your student's test-taking confidence naturally over time! Each video covers a single question, explaining how to get the answer and any tips or shortcuts to improve speed or check work. This will also improve your overall math skills and confidence! Learn more...

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Let My Math Assistant help you with Saxon Math.

Take a step towards math independence!

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